Order fabrics by the metre with our cut-length service
When you manufacture products by the piece, you might have come across the inconvenience of ordering fabrics per roll. You’re always left with more than you need and storing them isn't always easy if your facilities aren't built for it. Sound familiar? Then our cut-length service is just the thing for you.

Our cut-length service
With our cut-length service, you can order fabrics by the metre instead of by the roll. It gives you the possibility to order just the amount of fabric you need, without having to store the leftovers. Using a leading-edge system, we offer you the exact amount of fabric you need without any extra lead time. Meaning: while we’re on your order, we run it through until the end instead of adding it to a new production cycle in a different department.
Today, we're able to offer you 26 collections in our cut-length service.
Available from our hub in Belgium
For now, this service is only available from our hub in Belgium (Europe, Africa & Middle East).
Please contact us if you have more questions about our unique cut-length service.